- Spoiler:
- 1) Go to www.daum.net. Click on ‘회원가입’ below the log-in box (top left)
2) Choose the last option, ‘간편 가입’ for quick registration (aqua colored)
3) Check the boxes to agree to the terms and condition. Click the blue button at the bottom of the page to continue.
4) Choose a username/ID (may contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphen [ - ], underscore [ _ ], and period [ . ]
Check the username by clicking the ‘중복확인’ button.
If ‘사용 가능한 아이디 입니다’ appears in blue, it means the username is okay to use.
If ‘사용하실 수 없는 아이디입니다’ appears in red, it means the username is already taken.
If ‘다음아이디를 정확하게 입력해주세요. 아이디는 영문자, 숫자, -, _, …’ appears in red, it means something in your username is not acceptable.
5) When you have a username, you can continue to fill out the form.
비밀번호 - password
비밀번호 확인 - re-enter password
이름 - name
성별 - gender. Check 남 for male or 여 for female
연락처 - contact. Choose the third option (이메일) for e-mail.
Enter your email address and click ‘인증번호받기’ to request a certification number. Click ‘OK’ to the popup, and go check your email inbox in a new tab/window.
6) You should have an email from Daum containing a 6 digit number. Go back to your registration form and copy this number into the space provided. Click the ‘인증하기’ button next to it.
A CAPTCHA will then appear. Enter the text from the image and click ‘인증하기’. If you have trouble reading the text, click ‘새로고침’ for a new word.
7) If you have entered everything correctly you will come to a new page welcoming you to Daum. You are now officially registered!
Now, to join ZE:A’s fancafe, go to cafe.daum.net/Starempire
Click on the big button on the left that says ‘카페 가입하기’ (right now it is green)
9) Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
닉네임: Pick a nickname. This will be the name you use to post under on the cafe. You can use either alphanumeric or hangul characters.
수신여부: Check this if you would like to receive emails from Star Empire. (note: the emails should come to your new daum email, not the one you used to sign up)
주관식: Open ended question: What company is ZE:A from? (must be the Korean name. You can copy and paste스타제국)
Enter the text from the CAPTCHA.
Click ‘가입’ at the bottom of the page.
10) You should be redirected to a welcome message from Star Empire. This means you are officially a member of ZE:A’s official fancafe!
source: adelheidd@tumblr
feel free to take this out, but please credit adelheidd@tumblr ^^